BCX Manager Branding

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This section will show you how to “Brand” your BCXManager to include text of your choice, and a different coloured icon in the Title Bar.

This is especially useful if you have multiple BCX Installs across an Academy running on the same station.

Add the following to your BCXManager settings.xml to enable the feature. Each BCX Installation being named as required (\\bcxmaster\c$\Program Files\BCX\ManagerV4\settings.xml):

<BrandTitle>Text Goes Here</BrandTitle>


<BrandTitle>Burconix High School</BrandTitle>

bcx manager branding brand title.png

Currently the Icon colours available are:

bcx manager branding brand icons.png

1. Red - 2. Green - 3. Blue - 4. Orange - 5. Yellow - 6. Purple - 7. Brown - 8. Grey

If the BrandIcon entry is 0 or blank the standard Icon colour is used.

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